Hi there. Hope you had a great week, it was a busy week for us and so I didn't have a chance to blog much. This week I met up with a good friend, Daintee for dinner and margarita's at Lupe Tortilla's, YUM! It was so good catching up with her, since I live in Conroe I find that it's hard for me to meet up with friends. Why you ask? Well, if I head home directly after work I so don't want to climb back into the car and drive back into town as it takes at least 40mins to get to where most of my friends live. So, I try to make plans to meet up directly after work. Anyway, we had a good visit as always, just wish we could do it more often.

Something else that came up this week is my good friend Kara had to head to San Antonio to see her dad who was in the hospital. He had a terrible blood infection and was quickly added to the donor list and by the grace of god a compatible liver was found mid week. So, I had the pleasure of picking up Addie and Chloe on Thursday after work and brought them home with me. We had fun, picked up some McD's for them and they ate it all up. We went walking down the street and met up with one of our neighbor Nick. The girls are so smart, they picked up on the fact that Nick was wheelchair bound and they wanted to know what happened? why it happened and if the doctor could fix him. It's so sweet how concerned they were but they also looked sad for him. Their attention quickly moved to Andy, he did a great job of keeping them entertained. They really enjoyed playing hide and seek with him, it was cute. Addie stated that she loved Andy and Chloe quickly piped in with "me too". The girls were loads of fun and loaded with lots of WHY questions. LOL. Friday after work I drove them to Giddings to hand them over to Brad's mom Jean. That drive was fun, interesting and LOUD, lol. We sang Twinkle Twinkle, Old McDonald, ABC's and even did some counting. I truly love being around those adorable little girls!!
Saturday, got caught up on some DVR'd shows, the Closer and Flipping out while Andy and Dad worked outside on the trailer. My mom came by and picked me up and we ran a couple of errands, it was nice hanging out with her. Then Andy and I got cleaned up and headed to the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion for some Heavy Metal! YEP, you read right, we saw Testament, Motorhead, Heaven & Hell and Judas Priest. Why? Well, I love my hubby and so when he said he wanted to go and that I didn't have to....I said oh sweetie I will go! It wasn't so bad either, there was tons of good people watching and the music was pretty good, well we didn't care much for Testament.
Ok, I'm rambling so I will say goodnight now. Goodnight.
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