....Which three of my blogger friends will win so I can send you off? OK, as mentioned in a prior post I have collected many mirrors over the years and so I've decided that it is time to recycle them to others. In the picture you will see all the mirrors that I have decided to part with. This contest is limited to U.S. and Canada blog buddies. And if you aren't crazy about the frame being gold just remember Spray Paint is your friend! Although I do love them in gold and have some in gold through out my home. See my post from this week's Metamorphosis Monday to see how I transformed mine.
How can you win?
1. Simply leave me a comment and I hope you get a chance to come visit again! I plan on having more give aways. Share the love right!
2. If you are a follower of my blog new and old you will get an extra entry. You can become a follower by clicking on the FOLLOW button on the left sidebar.
3. If you mention me on your blog and link to me you get an extra entry. Just be sure to leave me a comment to let me know you did this.
4. For those of you who don't have a blog you can get an extra entry by giving me the name of another blogger who has posted about my giveaway.
I will have this going till Saturday night and will choose THREE winners on Sunday and will announce them on my blog. I will have my DH pick the names from a basket and the first name drawn will have first pick, then second and then the third will get to pick last. Please be sure to mention your email if you don't have have a blog that I can link back to via your comment. If I can't reach you then I will have to have my DH to re-draw for that spot. I hope you play along and hope that you help spread the word!
*This just in.... Nikki is having a giveaway, beautiful Easter Eggs, click here and leave a comment for a chance to win!
Well, I don't know what happened to my first comment, so I will try again. I just think this is one of the neatest giveaways. I did a post about your giveaway and I hope a lot of my followers see it and come visit. I would love to be a winner and I hope you meet a lot of new friends. Again I also want to thank you for the fabulous award. I have proudly displayed it on my sidebar. Hugs, Marty
Hi Nancy,
Those mirrors look spiffy; it would be great to win one. I am gearing up to fix up my craft/office space, and yours has given me the inspiration to get it done. Also if you don't win my blogger button giveaway I will be happy to help you get your existing button to work. I will announce the winner this Saturday so we can sort it out after that.
P.S. Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog, I will add your site to my blog list.
I love the mirrors!!!!!!! I found you on Adventures of a Brooklyn Renovation (don't you love her stuff). Also... I love your craft room. I am reworking my studio right now... it's a work in progress. Blessings,
I love the mirrors!!!!!!! I found you on Adventures of a Brooklyn Renovation (don't you love her stuff). Also... I love your craft room. I am reworking my studio right now... it's a work in progress. Blessings,
I'm in Georgia...and I heard about your blog...maybe Met Monday? Not sure!
Hi! I heard about your blog from Jennifer at The Magic Brush, just a few comments up from mine.
Love the mirrors!
I will follow you from this day forward, in sickness and in health... :-)
I put up a post about your contest just a few minutes ago.
I really love your craft room. I am in the process of creating a new office space and love the before and after pics.
I would love to be the winner of a fabulous mirror. Can't wait to find out if I get picked!
I'm one of your old faithful followers. Count me in.
How beautiful! :)
What a wonderful idea for a giveaway.
I would be honored to win one!
Pretty Mirrors! I think I like the character of mirror #5 the very best.
It would look so fun in a bright color.
What a fun giveaway! Thanks for inviting me to come visit.
What a great give a way! I love what you've done with some of your other mirrors. Thanks for stopping by, aren't bluebonnets just the best at brightening up the day? Kathy
Found your blog through Laretha...and I see we both love House of 3! I'll play for a mirror too!
Hello there, found you on Marty's blog...she's such a neat person to have as a friend here on blog land! What a fabulous give-a-way! The mirrors are gorgeous! Thank you for being so generous! Love your blog....and I left another comment on Sunday's post too.....just had to stay awhile and see your studio! Great job!
Fun!! But its breaking my heart to see them split up. Those would make a great collection all together :)
Hi there...I'm coming over via Marty39...I'm a Texas gal too from the DFW area. I would love to win one of your giveaway mirrors & I'm going to add your blog to my blog list right now so I can visit often! Nice to meet you! ;-) Bo
Hi! Love the mirrors! I found your through Lollychops! :)
Hi Nancy! We're practically neighbors! I'm just slightly north of Corpus Christi!
I love the bottom right corner mirror! I can just see it in a lovely shade of antiqued aqua. It has such a fun shape!
Thanks for the opportunity to own one of these lovely mirrors! And just so you know, I'm following you now and Lollychops sent me! : )
LOVING these mirrors! LollyChops sent me on over and I am SO glad she did!
I am following your blog! I love it!
Hey there! I live in Spring right below you. I hope I win these. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a fun giveaway, I'd love to be entered. I just became a follower and took a peek at your pink room. I love it!
Oooo...how fun. New to the site, but you've definitely made my "Blog Favorites".
Miss Lolly over at LollyChops posted about your giveaway. Unfortunately, no blog yet...
What a fun give-away. LollyChops sent me, BTW. I agree with her--the mirrors are screaming out for green or teal.
I'm a new follower!
Hey Nicole,
I visit Conroe Texas almost every year when I venture up there to Plantersville for the Renaissance Festival with my hubby. Your craft room is really looking great! Also, I love those mirrors painted black, so classy, especially with the PINK walls! LollyChops sent me over here to enter in the drawing for the giveaway. Thanks for being so generous!
I would love to win a mirror! I found you thru LollyChops blog by the way ...here is hoping I win!
mkiser26 AT yahoo DOT com
Hi Nancy,
I forgot to tell you earlier I became a follower and added you to my blogroll as well!
Your blog is wonderful and I'll be back to visit with you often
~Happy Spring!
~Melissa :)
Hi! Please enter me in your frame giveaway.
Laci (pinkleopard01@yahoo.com)
Neat giveaways! I love creativity so I am going to start following your blog. You look very talented!...Christine
Hi Nancy! What a great giveaway! Thank you for being such a sweetheart. I looked around at your craft room metamorphosis and I love it! I also love the idea of covering the mirror and spray painting the frame. I think I am going to do that with a couple of cool old prints I have that are in ugly gold and black frames. I found you through Lollychops. I will come back often to see what you are up to! Rinda
Yeah mirrors!!! I will be posting a log entry on mine momentarily!
ok her eis my blog post!
Hi, marty39 sent me. I'd love to enter. So, what's wrong with gold? My house is full of brass, and I've yet to grab a paint can.
Hey Smilingsal! I love them in gold I just mentioned Spray painting them if someone wanted to give them a new look for their own taste. I have gold all through out my home too. hugs
I'm a LollyChopster and also a neighbor here in the Woodlands :) I would love one of those cool mirrors! Oh the possibilities!
LollyChop sent me...great blog...great mirrors! I'll be sure to visit here again ...often!
I hope you need to reach me at:
LollyChop spread the word. I would love to win!! gorgeous.
Hey lady...
I added your giveaway to my blog and as you know I am already a follower of your blog..us Texas girls have to stick together. Its really sweet of you to do this giveaway..:)
Became a follower and it is now posted on my blog http://livinglovingandeverythinginbetween.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-love-giveaways.html
Thanks again :)
Those would be a great addition to my new house. I'm dying to find some great finds to decorate with. Oh do send them my way!
Ohhhh! I am so in love with these mirrors! I can just picture them painted a bright green apple and turquoise! By the way, I adore your background. Great colors!!
what cool mirrors you are giving away, just came across you blog and linked it, to get one more chance of winning...
I recently bought a gold mirror and spray-painted yellow. I love #1 on your picture!!
Great giveaway! I love #1! Lolly Chops sent me!
Hi Nancy! It's my first time dropping by...Lolly of course. :) I remember your craft space from the recent post she did. I totally heart your pinkalicious craft-cave! Have a good one! :D
Lolly sent me, hope to win i'd love to see these in a tangy orange!
Such cute mirrors! Count me IN!
Love you blog!
I have too many mirrors now but yours sure are beautiful!
Oh good lordy, I'm caught! teehee I think I've been a follower here since you only had a handful, but I've been too shy to post. Well, today I get up my courage, come over here, and you're doing this giveaway. Usually, I'd wait til another time (never win these things, so I quit trying), EXCEPT how did you know I need a smallish (as opposed to door-length) mirror to go over my new vanity table in my bedroom? (I'm using a foyer table from Collections Etc. - birdies say CHEAPCHEAP.)
Anyway, my middle name is gold foil so this is right up my alley. Sign me up! And I'm in Baytown, so I'll even drive up there to pick it up if I win! winkwink
ANYway, it's nice to meet ya. I enjoy all the eye candy whenever I stop by for a looksee. I promise to comment when I can. Please visit me when you are in the cyberhood. xoxo, Aimeslee
Pretty mirrors! Just send them up the road to Arkansas/ha I'm in!
You have a fun blog. COunt me in for your give away. I lvoe making old thing snew again.
Hi, Lolly sent me to look at the mirrors which I love (especially #5!) but sincerely love your blog!
Love all the decorative edges and top and even the ads! I have a blogspot and it looks like old chewing gum and I never get enough pictures on it and no way was I able to deal with the adsense even though I tried 20 times!
thanks A lot!!
I am happy to have found your blog through Marty and I really think it is great. You have some wonderful ideas, and I am pleased to follow you!
Those mirrors look great. I especially like the ones you painted black. And, I love your pink room!
I would love to have these mirrors and consider yourself linked! I too am having a little giveaway right now, nothing big, just a little thanks to my readers. Check it out and feel free to enter. Love your site and FYI I found you through LollyChops.
#5 is so lovely! Cool giveaway! Lolly sent me...
Neat mirrors.
It'd be great to win.
BTW, Lolly sent me to your giveaway.
I linked over here from Lolly's blog and wow these mirrors are so pretty!
Hi Nancy,
I've added the "Follow" tool to my blog now!
Pictures of the mirror before and after will come soon as well!
What a wonderful giveaway! I have been looking all over for mirrors like this to use in my new sewing room! I would LOVE to win!
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
I Learned about this giveaway from LollyChops.
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower, now!
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
Lolly sent me here... She sure is a nice person or what?
Glad to know you!
Hi Nancy! It looks like your mirrors have hit it hot! ;) I have an entire wall of mirrors in my master bedroom and love it! ;) ~CC Catherine
Just found your blog. It looks really cool. I have this thing for birds and I like your background/wallpaper. Anyways, hope to win the mirrors, you can never have enough in my opinion. Thanks for the chance to win.
Mary from A stroll thorough life sent me! I thin these mirrors are just beautiful! I would love a chance to win one!
I ment Marty!!! Don't know what is wrong with my fingers.
The first 3 are so beautiful!! What an awesome giveaway!
I'm so glad I came across your blog, I'm now a follower! :)
I found you through Lolly Chops. I'm glad I did. I'm now a follower. I posted about this giveaway on my blog. Can't wait to see who wins!
And, like everyone else, I love your craft studio!
I'd love to win a mirror! Found you on "A Stroll though Life".
LOVE your blog! I heard about your contest through YOU :) But I also read it on Lollychops!!! Keep up the good work!
oh my goodness!! I JUST bought some spring colored spray paint that I would use on one of these. *fingers crossed*
Oh, I don't know if this is too late! Hope not. Thanks for the opportunity anyway! I just blog jumped from Lollychops.
Paula (squala@charter.net)
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