Monday, February 22, 2010

What to do when you have no time to run to the store for a birthday card!

**EDITED** ADDED Spinner Invite and Bottled Water Favor

I love making cards for my family and friends and in the past I always took out cardstock, ink, stamps and glue maybe.  I would work for hours and hours on cards and then gift them.  It was hard sometimes to let go of my creations, knowing that it might end up in the trash in a few days. LOL  Some people aren’t collector of things, so although they may have loved my card it still was going to find it’s way to the trash much sooner than later.  Well, I have found something fabulous that I can make very quickly and although it still hurts to hand it over it was so quick to make that it is a tiny bit easier to gift.

I took this Celebration Birthday set from yes, the House of 3 and printed the card twice so that I could add some dimension to it.  I cut the card out in 1 minute if that and then I cut out a few flags and the Birthday piece from the second printed card to add on top of the first card.  I think it turned out pretty darn cute!  Ohhhhhhhhhh I added crepe paper to it too, and I cut out the blue part of the card that is the backside and used it to put in the inside to sandwich the crepe paper.  I love, love, love it!   There are a couple other designs so go check it out HERE.   *I am not paid to promote their products, I truly love them and just enjoy spreading the word!





Had to add the spinner invite and of course couldn’t resist adding some crepe paper to that too! And how about giving out bottled water as favors? I printed out the Birthday Card and came up with this!  If I had a candy bar I would have also made a candy wrapper! Think I will stop at the store on my way home tomorrow *wink





Anonymous said...

Nancy -
This post is great...have you ever thought of submitting on eHow? I think your articles/posts would be very popular on there! You do such beautiful, creative projects!

Anonymous said...

Nancy I love these cards. So stinking cute!!!!! and the water bottle is the most clever yet. Love it!!!!

Jingle said...

Wow! That turned out super cute!

Unknown said...

Hey there fellow Texas blogger! Thanks for leaving such nice comments on my blog! You are VERY talented....the cards you make are great. I'll be back to see what other fun things you and your crafty gang are up to....Hugs from Houston!

Janean said...

way toooooooo cute!!! adore it. you've got a good eye for color and design!

Txangel528 said...

Those are really great! I have to say that I love the House of 3 also!!

LollyChops said...

This is totally awesome Nancy!

You totally need to get a candy bar or two snazzed up as well... heh...

Brittany said...

I LOVE this!!!!
The 3D flags are ADORABLE!!! :)

Melanie said...

You are so talented. You truly enjoy creating things and it shows in everything that you do.

I'm with the flags!

Rhonna Farrer said...
