Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rhonna Farrer is a ROCKSTAR!!!

OK, stop what you are doing and click on the photo to go and see some incredible Felt Flowers that my INCREDIBLY talented friend and fellow Spark Sister Rhonna Farrer has created!!!  I am swooning!!!!!!!!!!!!  Leave her some love and let her know I sent ya would ya ;)

Here is a photo of sweet Rhonna and I at Spark, she is AMAZING and I feel blessed that she calls me her friend!!

rhonna and me


Giny Cortés said...

I just saw the post and LOVE the flowers! Maybe I will make it a weekend project. wink, wink.

Jingle said...

Those are pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy,

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. You're amazing, and I'm honored that you are following mine. I can't wait to see what you create next!

Hugs from Dallas, TX! ;)

Vanessa, Florida, USA said...

I loved those when I saw them on her blog!!! Would love to make some at SPARK next year! Hee!!! Rhonna ROCKS!!! Hugs!!